We were able to spontaneously arrange a performance followed by a workshop at the Queens Bazaar Spring Event in Linz Dornach. Many thanks to Dalida Events for the invitation!
We had a lot of fun. In additon to classic FCBD Style we were able to include two songs, dancing sword dialect, developed by the wonderful Melody Orullian Bustillos and skirt dialect, created by the incredible Gudrun Herold.
Our member Alex was at the event with us and offered brilliant support by distributing flyers, filming and taking photos.
Another small highlight: After the performance, there was the opportunity to dance with us on stage as part of a small taster workshop. We had lots of girls who enjoyed it, but apart from them Amira got in touch with us again after a long break and was able to join us. It was also our first meeting with Silvia and now we can’t imagine our classes and groups without them!
Are you a member of the club? If you haven’t done so yet, then log in with your user and password on the page anam-damhsa.at > what we offer > members only and you will not only see this post, but also various videos, tutorials, flows, craft ideas and more…. Suitable for the different levels.
Have fun with it!
When Julia did her General Skills course in 2021, I was really excited – and now I finally got to experience it for myself! The anticipation was huge, but so was the excitement: Ten days, 30 hours of intensive training with some of the best teachers of this style. I knew it would be a challenge, but most of all I was excited to deepen my dance knowledge and develop myself further.
The course was held online, but that didn’t detract from the intensity. We were taught by renowned dancers. I would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to my GS teachers Virginia Hojas, Lore Rojas, Liz Malcom, Philippa Moirai, Kelley Beeston, DeAnna Padrón Freeman AND Carolena Nericcio for their patience, passion and support! Even though we weren’t in the same room in person, I could feel their energy and commitment through the screen.
We took it step by step and practised technique, combinations and flows – and of course we got lots of feedback! The teachers watched us closely and helped us to perfect our movements.
A particular challenge was the homework assignment to write an essay about the FCBD style. It wasn’t so easy to put into words what makes this dance so special for me, especially as Julia’s text was even translated into many languages and of course I had it in my ears.
The days flew by and then one last challenge awaited: the exam consisting of a written and a practical part. For the latter, each participant was assigned several steps that she had to demonstrate in a video.
And then the waiting began … Although I was lucky and in my case it didn´t take long until the email arrived: I passed! I was just over the moon!
General Skills was an incredible experience. I am infinitely grateful to my teachers and the other participants – we supported and motivated each other and surpassed ourselves together. With my GS certificate in hand, I am now looking forward to the next adventure as soon as there is a suitable date for me: Teacher Training!