This event, formaly known as Linzer Landes-Ritterfest, offered us the chance to perform in front of an audience in our own home town. An opportunity we were very happy about. Anam Damhsa, supported by Anam Chara and Julia’s student Christina performed classic FCBD®Style, skirt dialect and sword dialect in 3 sets. 2 of the performances took place directly at the Main Square (Linzer Hauptplatz). The middle one at Alter Markt.

Even though we had to shorten our first set due to the heat in order not to keep the horses waiting any longer, we had a lot of fun. And of course we promoted Julia’s classes – with success!

There was also time to relax together, to stroll around and even to take a trip to Little Dancer to finalise details for our upcoming event.

Thank you so much to Max from rhiannon for the trust and great organisation!

Photos by Anam Damhsa & Johann Lackner

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For the third year in a row we made the trip to Vienna. Well, Julia and Tina went there. The bot of them were able to take part in several great workshops at this year´s edition of CarVie, or Caravanseray Vienna. And they finally got to meet some familiar faces in person for the very first time.

At the Restaurant Show “Feast of Desire” our duo got the chance to perform two times. In the first half they danced to NEFFEX – Free Me and after the break to Betty Booom – Puttin’ on the Ritz. The skirts decided to misbehave here and there, but the audience was amazing. What a night!

We had an amazing time and we are looking forward to our next meeting in Linz at Skills `n’ Zills!

Video by Dani Niemietz <3
Video by Dani Niemietz <3
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In mid-May, the “Anam Ladies” headed to Rome for the absolutely brilliant Roma Tribal Meeting. Workshops, performances, shopping, sightseeing, great conversations and hugs…. so many wonderful memories in such a short time!

For Julia and Tina in particular, things got really busy on the very first day. As soon as they got off the train, they had to get to the studio right away to take part in the preparations for the Performance Intensives. At the Dreams Show they helped to bring the Dance Sisters Collective´s vision to life as part of a “school of fish”. Julia was also part of the Open Stage Show in the “Flock of Birds” performance led by Taisa Jah Surya.

The selection of workshops was really great and we were able to take away many new and deepen other things. We did manage to squeeze in some time for sightseeing before heading back home.

We already miss this amazing city and most of all the wonderful dancers, teachers, friends and dance sisters we met at Roma Tribal Meeting. 🥰

A huge thank you to everyone who shared this weekend with us and made it special…. And of course to Isabel De Lorenzo and her team for this amazing event!

Damhsa Pics:

Photos by @roberto_radimir:

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On Saturday April 22, 2023, we had the pleasure to be invited to perform on stage at Linz’s very own Spirit of the Orient’s show in Mittertreffling. We took part in three performances. Firstly, a skirt performance to Puttin on the Ritz by Betty Booom. This was coincidently Tina’s first time on stage with us and our first stage performance together as Anam Damhsa! We are so proud of her, and she did brilliantly.

Then Anam Chara performed a slow piece to Tavern in the Mist, wearing beautiful flowing green and blue costumes especially for the piece.

Julia and Tina performed as a duet to Drumspyder’s version of Ya El Moulayitin. We were able to perform duet passings as well as the DoSiDo and the Orbit! Whoop whoop! The atmosphere backstage was incredible with everyone working together seamlessly to make sure all the costume changes happened.

Next, our own Elisabeth who also moderated the show, explained some FCBD® Style history to the audience and Julia and Tina did a short demonstration. It was huge fun and the audience really enjoyed it.

At last, it was time for the big finale! Anam Damhsa were joined by Anam Chara and Julia’s student Christina, so we had a group of six of us on stage. We danced to the Bay City Shimmy by Phil Thornton. We began with our gratitude meditation and moved into a chorus and duets formation, moving into a stagger to finish. The audience smiling and clapping is always a joy, and this was also Christina’s first time with us on stage dancing FCBD® Style, so it was a hugely successful evening.

One lady enjoyed it so much she asked about learning and has since begun with Julia. Watch this space!

Other groups that performed were local bellydance groups from Altenberg and the Mühlviertel as well as SOTO themselves. The whole evening was delightful, and we would like to thank SOTO for inviting us to perform!

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Every year, an event takes place that unites the community dancing to one song and also makes it visible to the outside world. The “ATS®/FCBD®Flash Mob World Wide“.

We are very proud to have participated twice this year. Once with our dance sisters from Anam Chara, only a few metres away from the studio where we train together. And once as a trio in Oberneukirchen and Bad Leonfelden, where we were able to drum up a bit of publicity for Julia’s beginners’ course.

This year the chosen song was “Solovey” by Go_A.

Here are our two videos and, as a special treat, a behind-the-scenes look thanks to Julia’s vlog:

To find videos of other groups, use the following hashtags:

#atsfmww #atsfmww2022 #fcbdsfmww #fcbdsfmww2022

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At the Hafla at the Geierbräu in Reisbach, Julia and Elisabeth had a chance to see many familiar faces again and also to try out what they had learned in Gudrun´s skirt dialect workshops in Linz.

It is always amazing to meet other members of the community. We are very grateful for the invitation and look forward to seeing Tingula Tribe and Danzerei Adabei again very soon!

You can find out more about how this weekend went in Julia’s vlog:

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In August 2022 we held our first event as a group. Here’s a little look into how it came about and what we did! For years, our mother group Anam Chara had been invited by the Ur Ton Drummers of Linz, to dance in their annual drumming circle next to the Lentos on the banks of the river Danube, Linz. As Julia is an active member of Anam Chara, and her student Christina is a member of the drumming group, it sparked an idea.

Julia decided it would be fun to provide a way for Fat Chancers to connect in a relaxed setting after the stress of the pandemic. What could be better than in a live drumming circle?

Then came another idea as she and Tina got chatting. Why not connect the event to a workshop or two and make a day of it? And who better to ask than our teacher and mentor Gudrun Herold? So, Julia chatted with Gudrun, Tina created the online poster and registration form and together they privately invited dancers from all over Germany with the assistance of their dance sister in Bavaria, Lisi Brümmer!

Two skirt workshops and a frame drum workshop were on offer, at the incredible Sonnenstein Loft, Red Sapata Tanz Fabrik, followed by Hafla style dancing with the drummers to close the day. Dancers from Tanzerei Adabei, Tingula Tribe and our very own Anam Chara came, and we had a blast. Gudrun took us through her, and Philippa Morai’s skirt dialect and we practiced hard and tried out our new moves. Then came the drum workshop which Julia and Tina also attended. We tapped out rhythms that we dance to in our style such as Maksoum and Baladi. There are different ways and parts of the drum to hit, which are connected to different elements. This was a fascinating insight into an instrument which has been played by women for thousands of years. For more on this, if you are interested, please reach out to Gudrun Herold at Many Moons Collective.

After that we all got ready, with our skirts, scarves, belts, heavy jewellery and a little makeup and hair styled with flowers and then made our way over the bridge and excitement mounted as we heard the drums pounding. Gudrun led us in a gratitude meditation for ourselves and then to the drummers and afterwards we danced and zilled till our arms almost dropped off!

We chatted as the sun set and connected over a small picnic as we sat on the grass and just took in the atmosphere. The ladies dipped in and out of the circle to dance as the general public watched and enjoyed the show!

Thank you to the UrTon Drummers, the dancers who came and of course Gudrun Herold, our teacher for the day! The event was so special, we’ve decided to expand on it and do something a little bigger next year, but more on that another time!

Here are some pictures:

Photography at Donaulände: Johann Lackner, Fotoklub Feldkirchen

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And the fun continues! After we already thought we would have to miss #CarVie22 this year, Julia and Tina were able to go to the absolutely 💕brilliant💕 workshop “Formations Micro- & Macrocosmos” by Agata Zakrzewska and Katarzyna Lidia Weichert from Hamsa Dance School and Siren Society last minute. It was so awesome, though unfortunately way too short!

A huge thank you to Nakari Dance Company for organizing this event. We are looking forward to returning next year… hopefully with a lot more time fore workshops and performances.

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Rome was wonderful! The Roma Tribal Meeting was wonderful! Julia, Elisabeth and Tina took part in many workshops, learned an incredible amount, met many already familiar faces and even more new ones, plundered the brilliant bazaar and of course sightseeing, good food and a drink or two were not neglected.

The time in Rom was also put to good use as we were able to record new interviews for our series “FCBD Faces”. Go check out our YouTube channel!

Julia took part in the Performance Intensive with Francesca Pedretti and was therefore also on stage on Saturday. A video of this will follow shortly. The same is true for the video “Caravan – A Dance Journey”… Both Julia and Tina took part in the second edition of this exciting project. It celebrated its premiere during the online show!

In addition, we were lucky enough to participate in the online show for the second time. Here you can watch our contribution, which we recorded together with the Ur-Ton Trommelern at Pöstlingberg, Linz:

And here’s the whole show:

The Utopia of Love @ Roma Tribal Meeting 2022:

Some pictures…

Photography during filming our video: Johann Lackner, Fotoklub Feldkirchen

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What defines us

Love for the dance
Positive thinking
Thirst for knowledge
Full of energy
Open and honest
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