On Saturday April 22, 2023, we had the pleasure to be invited to perform on stage at Linz’s very own Spirit of the Orient’s show in Mittertreffling. We took part in three performances. Firstly, a skirt performance to Puttin on the Ritz by Betty Booom. This was coincidently Tina’s first time on stage with us and our first stage performance together as Anam Damhsa! We are so proud of her, and she did brilliantly.

Then Anam Chara performed a slow piece to Tavern in the Mist, wearing beautiful flowing green and blue costumes especially for the piece.

Julia and Tina performed as a duet to Drumspyder’s version of Ya El Moulayitin. We were able to perform duet passings as well as the DoSiDo and the Orbit! Whoop whoop! The atmosphere backstage was incredible with everyone working together seamlessly to make sure all the costume changes happened.

Next, our own Elisabeth who also moderated the show, explained some FCBD® Style history to the audience and Julia and Tina did a short demonstration. It was huge fun and the audience really enjoyed it.

At last, it was time for the big finale! Anam Damhsa were joined by Anam Chara and Julia’s student Christina, so we had a group of six of us on stage. We danced to the Bay City Shimmy by Phil Thornton. We began with our gratitude meditation and moved into a chorus and duets formation, moving into a stagger to finish. The audience smiling and clapping is always a joy, and this was also Christina’s first time with us on stage dancing FCBD® Style, so it was a hugely successful evening.

One lady enjoyed it so much she asked about learning and has since begun with Julia. Watch this space!

Other groups that performed were local bellydance groups from Altenberg and the Mühlviertel as well as SOTO themselves. The whole evening was delightful, and we would like to thank SOTO for inviting us to perform!

A performance in Linz with a special highlight...
Info about the exclusive members only content.
We did it... Our first big international event!
We filmed together with Anam Chara and Louise Merritt.
Dancing in our hometown at the Landesritterfest
Workshops and dancing in a circle of drummers... Can it get any better?
Some little highlights from the past few months...
Julia and Tina went to Vienna... Even though it was only a very short trip this time.
In July of 2022, Julia went to Soest, Germany for her Teacher Training and to finally get certified.
This year´s trip with SOTO took us into the Alps.
In May, Roma Tribal Meeting took place and we were part of it. Online as well as in Rom!
our contribution to the virtual celebration of spring at fcbdu.com
Learn more about Julia´s experience with the Fat Chance Belly Dance General Skills online course!
A small impression of filming our video for the upcoming Roma Tribal Meeting.
Finally we had time for our first photo shoots as a group!
An update on our beginner course, dealing with lockdowns and a little video for you....
What is the current situation with courses? Without a lot of traveling, without big events?
Finally the time has come. Anam Damhsa starts and that even immediately with the first course for beginners.
Dance with us!
Would you like to dance with us and experience this wonderful community? Exchange ideas, be creative and so much more while doing something good for your body at the same time? Don´t hesitate and get in touch with us!

We have regular courses and taster sessions in the Linz and Mühlviertel area...

We can´t wait to dance with you!
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